Friday, December 10, 2010

Baby Thompson #2

Just wanted to let everyone know we're expecting a little girl at the end of April.  It looks like the boys will not have the advantage in our house anymore! :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Graphical Interiors Launch Day!!!!

Since March 2009 the idea of a business including vinyl wall decals* has been circulating through Roberto Torres' head. The idea solidified later on in the spring when he purchase the equipment and began talking to his friend Joel, a childhood friend and old mission companion. What was thought to become no more than an online store has evolved to a company with the potential to become "...really a national manufacturer of fine wall decals" says Roberto Torres, the founder and co-owner of Graphical Interiors. Joel and Roberto have spent the past year and a half researching the modern home decor industry and trends, building an e-commerce website, developing marketing, operation and sales strategies, collaborating with Graphic Designers, and creating a product catalog. In an attempt to be prepared for immediate success and expansion the owners of Graphical Interiors have delayed and post-poned the launch of their new business in order to work out as many wrinkles as possible before going public. After months of preparation and hard work we are proud to announce that Graphical Interiors is now open for business! You can check out their website for a wide selection of fine wall decals at Graphical Interiors offers high-quality, custom work as well. When you see our product, fall in love and want to become involved, here's your link. In the meantime, have a blast loving your walls!!*Wall decals are made from top quality vinyl which features a matte surface to look like a hand painted mural. It is a great alternative to wallpaper, paint or stencils. It's easy - just peel and stick. And when you are ready for a new look, the decals are removable.

Thursday, August 26, 2010


I posted this on my own blog, but I thought this would be something useful for the whole family....

About a month ago I stumbled upon the coolest Blog of two sisters that break down preparedness into baby steps so that it's manageable and practical for your family.  You can sign up for their checklists and every other week for a year you'll get an email with the "next step."    
I'm in the middle of the 1st step- they send you an Excel spreadsheet to organize your Emergency Plans/Contacts  & guidelines for putting together 72-hour kits in case of a natural disaster/emergency.  I wanted to get this done before the inevitable ice storm in the winter.  Since our family has grown since I last put one together 2 years ago, it looks like it's going to be 2 tubs this time.  I need to add the diapers & wipes. :)

They also have products, food storage recipes and the works on the blog, so it's a really useful resource.  Seriously, check it out..... Food Storage Made Easy

Monday, July 26, 2010

John headed to the MTC

I've also attached a picture we took of John Hales when he visited us two weeks ago on his way to the Provo Missionary Training Center. Also a picture of John saying goodby to his "close friend" Mattison Beckman>

A Huge Thank You

This is Grandma Leona and I wanted to send this message to everyone how much I appreciated all the work that was put in to make our Family Reunion a huge success.
The Hales Reunion shirts. The dinner Friday night at the church. Introducing the family members by Mark Calkins. The games by Debbie that everyone enjoyed. The food delicious. Mark and Cathy bringing the
huge Birthday cake for Vera's Happy Birthday.An evening of fun one with another.
The next day we all met in the park for the famous Hank Hales Baseball Game. A picture is attached of
the game with young and old participating. Many pictures were taken Sandwiches, pizza and drinks were served to everyone. There were several families that had to leave early, and we missed them. Sunday after church all came to the Old's Home for hamburgers, salads, and all the trimmings in the back yard. A good turn out.
This message is coming to thank each and everyone for all they did to make our reunion a great success. May love and good wishes be with each and everyone. Good health and happiness to you all. Vera your eggs were appreciated. Much love and blessings TO ALL. Debbie you are appreciated.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Family Pictures

I  don't have everyone's pictures, so we're going to need people to add theirs, but here are some of the family pictures...... (Roberto did such an awesome job with designing the shirts!)
Cindy and her girls with Grandma
Cindy's boys with Grandma (I think it's hilarious and very Taylor and David that they're not wearing the reunion shirts)
Diane and her girls with Grandma
Josh and his family with Grandma (what a good looking family!)
Grandma with her Son-in-laws.......always stirring up trouble at these things :)  Where did they get the Magnum PI shades?
Stuetz Family (missing Joel & Daniel) - I like the head cut-off look- it's typical of a lot of family pictures taken

2010 Hank Hales Memorial Softball Game

These are some of the pictures I have from the game. It was a tie- although there were a couple shady calls here and there.  (Roberto slugging it)
Christina and Abby (her first softball game and she did awesome!)
Vera, Leona & Leonard with Nathan

Changing of the guards.....
Karen & Debbie

Monday, July 12, 2010

Welcome to the New Family Blog

Hi everyone!  In an effort to keep in touch and know what everyone is up to we've put together this blog for everyone to participate in.  We thought it might be a little easier to keep up with than trying to send a newsletter around.  For those of you that need tutorials on how to do this let me ( or Angie know and we can help you out.  We can call and walk you through it for those that feel a little technologically challenged.  Also, if you have your own blog that you would like posted on the side you can add it or send one of us the URL to add to the blog.  Feel free to post what's going on with your families and all the reminiscing you want to do.  This can be a lot of fun and a good way for everyone to feel more connected to each other.